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Join Our Team

TIDC funds, oversees, and improves Texas public defense. Here is some of the work we do:

  • Planning and funding new public defender and managed assigned counsel offices.
  • Funding public defense in all 254 Texas counties.
  • Funding 6 innocence projects.
  • Monitoring compliance with state laws and TIDC rules.
  • Collecting and sharing public defense data.
  • Drafting and testifying on public defense legislation.
  • Hosting trainings, conferences, and webinars.
  • Drafting and disseminating public defense publications.
  • Working with lawyers, judges, counties, state agencies, and national organizations to shape the future of Texas public defense.

Last year, TIDC awarded over $39 million in public defense funding, prepared ten planning studies for new public defender offices in 25 counties, visited 32 counties to monitor and improve public defense, trained over 2,400 people, and approved ten legislative proposals for improving indigent defense.


Protecting the right to counsel, improving public defense.


Excellent representation for all.

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