Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall |
Experience | Client and witness interviews/meetings; Discovery review; Fact investigation; Research and writing; In-Court time; Trial strategy meetings; Trial preparation and assistance |
Training | 1-2 weeks of formal training plus external CLE seminars, such as the Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law seminar. Supervisors provide feedback on an ad hoc/needed basis, including a review of all motions by the Chief Public Defender. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Between 25%-40% of their time is spent on this. |
Timeline | Applications considered on a rolling basis. Internship applications are accepted at any time. |
How to Apply |
Reach out to the contact below. |
Contact |
Chief Public Defender Stephanie Brown, sbrown@co.atascosa.tx.us |
Texas Public Defense Careers
TIDC helps counties improve public defense through public defender offices and managed assigned counsel programs.
Public Defender Offices & Managed Assigned Counsel Programs
TIDC helps counties improve public defense through public defender offices and managed assigned counsel programs.
This map highlights which counties are served by offices as of April 2024.
Learn more about each office here: List of Managed Systems in Texas
Apply for a Legal Internship
Legal internships are generally open to current law students only.
If you are a public defense office that would like to add your office to the page or update any of the information on this page, email info@tidc.texas.gov with the office's information.
Concho Valley Public Defender's Office
Available Periods | Summer; Fall; |
Experience | You will be mentored by a seasoned attorney, assisting in felony and misdemeanor defense, plea negotiations, defense courtroom litigation, jury trial preparation, jury trials, and appeals. |
Training | Mixture of both formal and informal/ad hoc training. |
Timeline | Applications considered as recieved. |
How to Apply |
Send your resume and cover letter to recruiting@cvpdo.org and address cover letters to Elizabeth Berry, Chief Public Defender. |
Contact | recruiting@cvpdo.org |
Dallas County Public Defender's Office
Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall; Post-Graduation |
Experience | Client interviews; Research and writing; Court observation; In-court representation; Identification of social/medical services for clients; Policy |
Training | Mixture of both formal and informal/ad hoc training. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Between 25%-35% of their time is spent on this. |
Timeline | No specific deadline. |
How to Apply | https://www.dallascounty.org/government/public-defender/application.php |
Contact | Paul Blocker, Paul.Blocker@dallascounty.org |
El Paso County Public Defender's Office
Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall; Post-Graduation |
Experience | Client interviews; Research and writing; Court observation; Investigation; In-court representation; Mitigation; Identification of social/medical services for clients; Policy; Administrative tasks |
Training | No formal training for interns. The intern’s supervisor trains on an ad hoc/needed basis. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Between 25%-35% of their time is spent on this. |
How to Apply | https://www.epcounty.com/hr/careers/internships.htm |
Contact | Frank Chelly, Fchelly@epcounty.com |
Harris County Public Defender's Office
Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall; Post-Graduation |
Experience | Research and writing; Court observation; Administrative tasks; Interns observe all aspects of our work, but they have no primary responsibilities over clients and cases. |
Training | No formal training for interns. The intern’s supervisor trains on an ad hoc/needed basis. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Between 25%-35% of their time is spent on this. |
Timeline | Rolling deadlines. Summer interns are usually picked in Spring. |
How to Apply | https://hcpdo.org/internships/ |
Contact | Sarah Wood |
Office of Capital and Forensic Writs
Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall; Post-Graduation |
Experience | Research and writing; Court observation; Investigation; Review and digest capital trial records; Visit clients; Interns observe all aspects of our work, but they have no primary responsibilities over clients and cases. |
Training | Initial training and orientation. Ongoing supervision by dedicated intern supervisor. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | None. |
Timeline | Rolling deadlines. Summer interns are usually picked in Fall. |
How to Apply |
For more information, visit https://ocfw.texas.gov/legal-internship. To be considered, send:
Contact | Sarah Brandon, internship@ocfw.texas.gov |
Regional Public Defender Office for Capital Cases
Available Periods | Spring; Summer |
Experience | Client interviews; Research and writing; Court observation; Investigation; Mitigation |
Training | Formal training for interns. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | None. |
Timeline | Begins recruiting in the Fall of the year prior. |
How to apply | https://www.rpdo.org/internship/ |
Contact | Ray Keith, Chief Public Defender, rkeith@rpdo.org |
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Public Defender Program
Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall; Post-Graduation |
Experience | Client interviews; Research and writing; Court observation; In-court representation; Investigation; Mitigation; Identification of social/medical services for clients; Policy; Administrative tasks |
Training | Mixture of both formal training and ad hoc/supervisor training. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Between 35%-50% of their time is spent on this. |
Timeline | Fellowships will be posted in February 2023. |
How to Apply | https://www.trla.org/student-opportunities |
Pay | The law graduate program pays new graduates while they study and take the bar exam. They do not have to report to work until after they take the bar exam. They get paid solely to study and take the test (paid fellowship starting in 2022). |
Contact | Adriana Rodriguez, Director of Recruiting for all of TRLA, adrianarodriguez@trla.org |
Wichita County Public Defender's Office
Available Periods | Spring; Summer; Fall; Post-Graduation |
Experience | Client interviews; Research and writing; Court observation; In-court representation; Investigation; Mitigation; Identification of social/medical services for clients; Policy |
Training | No formal training for interns, but supervisors train on an ad hoc/needed basis. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Under 25% of their time is spent on this. |
Timeline | Apply anytime. |
How to Apply | Reach out to the contacts below. |
Contact | David Bost, david.bost@co.wichita.tx.us, Jarret Noll, jarret.noll@co.wichita.tx.us |
Texas Indigent Defense Commission
Available Periods | Summer, Remote with Opportunities for In-person Observation |
Experience | Research and writing; Policy development; Oral presentations |
Training | Initial orientation and training programs. Mixture of both formal and informal/ad hoc training. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | None. |
Timeline | TIDC may participate in the annual Public Student Career Fair at UT Law and receives applications directly through our form. Interns are considered on a rolling basis. |
How to Apply | Complete this application form. |
Pay | Unpaid; UT Law students may receive up to $6,000 for a full summer internship or $3,000 for a half summer internship (or other amount subject to TIDC's agreement with UT Law). |
Contact | Kristin Meeks, Senior Policy Analyst and Internship Lead, info@tidc.texas.gov |
Southern Methodist University, Deason Center Rural Externship Program
Available Periods | Summer (9-week placements) |
Experience | Research and writing; Court observation; Client interviews; In-court representation and potential trial experience |
Training | Rural criminal practice bootcamp; mixture of formal training and supervisor training. |
Court / Oral Advocacy Experience | Depends on student eligibility for Texas student bar card. |
Timeline | Begins recruiting in the Fall of the year prior. |
How to Apply |
This program is not accepting applications at this time. |
Contact | Kenitra Brown, Engagement Director, kenitra@mail.smu.edu |
Apply for a Legal Fellowship or Mentorship Program
Legal fellowship and mentorship program are generally open to new law school graduates or lawyers within the their first few years of practice only.
If you are a public defense office that would like to add your office to the page or update any of the information on this page, email info@tidc.texas.gov with the office's information.
Capital Area Private Defender Service
Location | Travis County |
Length of Program | Minimum of 2 Years |
Types of Cases | Misdemeanor, Felony, or Mental Health |
Training | Mentees have mandatory orientation and intensive training in February, followed by 6 months to 1 year of mentoring with a CAPDS panel attorney and staff. They will receive training in trial techniques and strategies, and receive tips and guidance in setting up a criminal law practice. Mentees will also meet for case conferencing and meet regularly with their assigned mentor. |
Assigned Cases |
Mentees are required to accept a meaningful number of monthly assignments to remain in the program. |
Support |
Mentees have access to investigators, experts, second-chair assistance, legal research, motions bank, and attorney assistance. |
Timeline |
Generally, applications open in November, and applications close in December. This year, applications open on November 15, 2023, and are due on December 15, 2023. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. |
Compensation |
Attorneys are paid a flat fee per case or hourly for work on the case. Additional pay is available for Spanish speakers. The full fee schedule is available here. |
Post-Program Results |
After successfully completing the program, mentees will be placed on the corresponding attorney panel. |
How to Apply |
Apply for the misdemeanor, felony, or mental health mentorship programs here: http://www.capds.org/become-a-mentee.html |
Contact |
Director of Defense Services and Outreach Katy Jo Muncie, katyjo@capds.org |
Apply for Texas Public Defense Positions
Find open Texas Criminal Defense Positions at the folllowing links.